More Advanced HubSpot Tools And Wizardry

HubSpot is an amazing inbound marketing platform. In fact, we think they have some of the best programmers working over there at HubSpot HQ. They improve their platform and release new features continuously. But power users like us are always hungry for more. Our team took it upon ourselves to implement features for the most challenging tasks - such as external administrative interfaces and AJAX support.

One of the best things about HubSpot's blog module is that it supports custom fields. We've used this feature to turn the blog module into everything from employee directories to product databases to truck galleries. But what to do when there is a ton of data to import and manage? The HubSpot blog interface is not really built for speed.

A few months back we built a HubSpot blog importer which we've used to push hundreds of records into the system with ease. Recently, we have created external administration portals to manage the blog data, freeing the website administrator from the HubSpot blog interface. This not helps with data management but allowed us to create all kinds of hooks and integrations that the data or workflow depends on. The tool supports many of the default HUBL modules as well as custom modules, along with an image picker that is integrated with the HubSpot CDN.

With the back-end amped up, we were then challenged with the limitations of the frontend. HubSpot only allows a maximum of 100 records when listing blog records. So if we needed to say display a large list of vehicles so they can be filtered, we're limited to 100. To get around this limit, we came up with a method that would allow us to bypass this limit through an AJAX call. The call is made to HubSpot and no external systems are involved. This worked beautifully for us and it might be helpful with your next project!

Whether you are a HubSpot customer or an agency or VAR, call us if you have a particularly challenging HubSpot problem!